Water Bottle Dumbbells from Japan

I love dumbbells, but I have one problem. I am on the move and can only work out anywhere when I can steal some time, and weights are simple not very portable or practical to lug around for the whole day.

That is, until I saw these water bottle dumbbells from Daiso. They’re genius. At only RM5 each, I can now make them into 1kg light weights with water inside, and also drink it after I’m done working out.

Or I could use sand at the beach to make the weights a bit heavier (about 1.6-2kg). Then when I’m done, I could just pour the sand back on the beach and leave with those genius light plastic bottles. How awesome is that?


2 responses to “Water Bottle Dumbbells from Japan”

  1. Paul MacPherson Avatar
    Paul MacPherson

    Hi Jackie M,
    I love the water bottle dumbbells. I own a freight and distribution business in Sydney Australia and I am interested in gaining the distribution rights for Australia.
    Please contact me if this is something you are interested in. Thank you, I look forward to your reply.
    Paul MacPherson

    1. Jackie Avatar

      Hi Paul
      We are interested in something like this for clients in exercise group. Do you have anything organised for importing theses yet?

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