The Lifebod Diet

A Way of Eating for Life

The Lifebod diet is a long-term, sustainable way of eating to ensure optimum health, wellness, and happiness. The lifestyle is a sum of more than 20 years of self-study and personal experimentation with Eastern and Western nutritional concepts.

It takes science seriously, and also reveres the thousands of years of ancient Chinese wellness practices that modern science do not yet have insight into. It trusts the thousands of years that stands testimony to the health maintenance of many generations before, in the absence of Western medicine.

I have tried all of the below and have failed in all of the programs in isolation. However, in combination I have found the perfect formula that includes aspects of, but isn’t necessarily limited to:-

  • Chinese Yin-Yang food balancing concepts
  • Raw diet
  • Organic (when possible)
  • Pesticide-free (when possible)
  • Dairy-free/dairy-restricted
  • Gluten & Wheat free
  • Chemical-free and preservative-free
  • Low GI/GL and/or sugar-restricted diet
  • Paleo diet
  • Blood Type diet
  • Metabolic diet
  • Hormone diet
  • Thyroid diet
  • Low-carb diet
  • Portion-control diet
  • Biblical diet
  • Halal diet
  • Kosher diet
  • Calorie-restricted diet
  • Strategic Fasting
  • Eastern & Western Superfoods
  • Macrobiotic and Hippocratic
  • Gerson diet
  • Germ theory
  • Yeast, and parasite theory
  • Anti-inflammatory diet
  • Antioxidant diet
  • Low-sodium diet
  • Enzyme diet
  • Common sense

It is a diet rich in whole foods, though low in grains, in respect of the Paleo doctrine. It takes into consideration the traditional Chinese concept of the Yin and Yang elements and conditions of the body, and dynamically respond to its needs.

So there is no one diet that fits all people at all times of their lives. It is a big dance of correcting imbalances based on personal genetic expressions, using a body of knowledge that I have personally compiled, analyzed, and tested for efficacy on myself over the years.

It took me some 23 years to find the formula that works for me. Every diet out there packages itself as a fix-it solution to obesity and health ailments for all people, which is why I failed time and time again to permanently lose weight and gain health, until now.

With the exception of wheat products, refined-sugar, and unsafe levels of food additives, I have found that occasional indulgences in real food (in moderation) an acceptable option as long as I know how to manage it.

If you’re overwhelmed by the list above, I don’t blame you. That is why I created this website to help you be a healthier, happier you without needing to go through two decades of experimentation yourself.

Welcome to the Lifebod lifestyle, where you get to manage the health of your body, mind and soul for life.

Jackie Miao