Category: Smoothies

  • Chocolate-Banana Smoothie with Medjool Dates

    How do you avoid eating something that’s bad for you the morning? Make your breakfasts interesting and full of flavor. Fruity and tart one day, spicy and earthy another. Today I’ll share an original smoothie recipe with you. Enjoy!



    • 1 ripe medium banana
    • 4 medjool dates, pitted
    • 1 tsp of cocoa or dark chocolate powder
    • 5 tbps of plain unsweetened yogurt
    • 1 cup of soy, almond or rice milk
    • 1-2 tbps of whey protein powder
    • 1/2 tsp of cinnamon powder
    • 2-3 cubes of ice
    • 1 tbsp of LSA (linseed and almond meal) (for taste and omega-3)

    Just add all the ingredients in a blender, control the consistency of the smoothie with the non-dairy milk, and once it’s all blended, enjoy your earthy smoothy for the fall.

    Cinnamon – Helps to regulate blood sugar, lowers cholesterol, and helps with yeast infections (among other benefits).

    Chocolate – You have heard that moderate amounts of dark chocolate is good for your heart, but now there are studies done in the field of neurology that is pointing to the chocolate-brain health connection.

    Medjool Dates – They are mostly carbs, but these are high in potassium, which helps in regulating your electrolyte levels.

  • Blueberry-Banana Smoothie with Protein

    This high protein, nutritious, antioxidant-rich blueberry-banana smoothie is super-delicious! Plus, it lasted 3 hours before I got hungry for some solid food.


    SERVES 2

    • 3/4 cup of blueberries
    • 1 medium ripe banana
    • 1 cup of plain unsweetened yogurt
    • 2 ice cubes
    • 1-2 tablespoons of protein powder
    • 1/2 cup soy, rice or almond milk
    • 1 tbsp of almond and flaxseed meal or LSA (linseed and almond meal)
    • A drop of Vanilla essence (optional)
    • 1 tsp of raw honey (optional)


    Throw all the ingredients above into a blender and blend. If the smoothie is too thick, just add a steady stream of soy, rice or almond milk to get it to the consistency you like, and enjoy.

  • Hi-Protein Strawberry-Banana-Orange Smoothie

    Some people wonder how in spite of having gone back to eating foods for earthlings, I am able to maintain my weight. You should know that for every plate of food I eat, I am eating half or less of the portion. (I’ll share more tips in time to come). Most importantly, two of my 3 meals a day consists of extremely healthy choices like this smoothie.


    Hi-Protein Strawberry-Banana-Orange Smoothie Recipe


    • 5 frozen strawberries

    • 1 frozen medium banana

    • 1 cup fresh orange juice

    • 1 tbsp whey protein powder

    • 2 ice cubes

    • Some ice water (to control viscosity)


    Make orange juice separately in a juicer. Then add all ingredients in a blender (below), blend on medium to high speed.

    P/S: Add water to control desired thickness and sweetness.

    VOILA! Drink it with a straw immediately.


    This smoothie has potassium from bananas, vitamin C from the oranges and strawberries, and flavonoids that have anti-cancer properties.

    This is perfect as a light meal replacement, but you can’t only drink this 3 times a day for a whole month and expect to be a superfit superhero. It doesn’t work like that.

    Keeping a healthy diet is all about feeding a variety of different foods to your body, at the right time, in the right combination, over a period of time!