Moreover, the people I am praying for are now in Stage 4 and I’m scared as hell for them.
It got me thinking about why people are getting cancer like a common cold, and dropping like flies in a very heartbreaking, painful way without hope. I don’t need to highlight how conventional medicine has failed to take a hold of cancer, as all you need to do is read up and talk to people who has/had family members with cancer. Current efforts have very low rates of success in saving people’s lives.
What’s interesting is that we weren’t so ill-designed to just have cells mutate and fail to reach apoptosis stage, but we are seeing it happen all around us now. People didn’t drop like flies due to cancer 150 years ago. Cancer is really a modern disease, and I couldn’t help but look into what was different 150 years ago, and now.
My huge body of research has pointed to toxins, nutritional deficiencies, and hormonal imbalance as the culprit of most of the ailments that haunt us all, including cancer.
This brought me to look into our diets, both in the East and West. Bombing our bodies with processed foods that have preservatives, chemicals, and toxins may look harmless to you at the supermarket, but looking at the statistics, our modern diet tell a different story.
It brought back memories of my own cancer scare. Being put under a CT scanner, injected a liquid that looks purple under x-ray, and also being told that I could have pancreatic cancer. Imagine that? In my late twenties.
Forget about every herpes joke I ever cracked, cancer kills and that really put things in perspective for me.
Thank God it was just a scare, and I didn’t have cancer.
Just what are we exposing ourselves to, and what are we putting into our bodies?
The scariest part is, you might be eating something that’s killing you thinking it’s good for you. So it is so important to educate yourself.
In your quest to lose weight, more than anything, think about how to get and be healthy.
For me, that includes cutting out as much processed foods as possible, and sticking with whole, organic, and clean foods as much as possible.
It may be more expensive to eat clean and organic, but I’d rather be spending money on maintaining my health than to blow it on a designer bag and other luxuries I can live without.
Why? Because you can always work to get things you want if you have health, but you can’t use things you have to get your health back.
Eat well my friends.
Stop smoking if you are currently smoking. Stop abusing alcohol if you are.
Detox periodically. Think pure thoughts. Give a damn about yourself. Because one day, people you love will be put in a position to take care of you if you get really, really ill.
I’m not saying that it’s a foolproof method to escape disease if you eat and live healthily, but at least take the responsibility to do something to strengthen your immunity. It’s not fair to let your ignorance be the reason you get ill.
Mostly, it’s not fair to the people who love you, not physically, emotionally, mentally, and financially when you do get ill, or worse, die. It’s just heartbreaking.