Category: Psychology

  • Don’t Believe The Naysayers

    Some may say you can’t do it, that you’re dreaming and delusional to want the body of your dreams. Whatever you do, don’t believe them.

    Don’t believe the naysayers, but instead, listen to your heart.

    If it is telling you that you are going to have a healthy and sexy body this time next year, trust your higher self to take you there.


    I’m going to let you in on a secret. Throughout my weight loss journey, I wasn’t really at war with my body, but with my mind. The extra weight I had before was just a reflection of my beliefs.

    I believed and to a certain extent still believe that:-

    I’m funny (to myself), blessed with young looks, and have fatty genes.

    So naturally, I’m a happy-camper, drink lots of raw juice, eat lots of salad, stay away from alcohol and cigarettes to maintain my youthful looks. I also subconsciously do things that make me remain kind of fatty, like look at pastries that are bad for me, and yield to some of it so that I can put the weight back on to match my beliefs.

    I know that’s kind of counter-intuitive, but there’s some truth to the self-sabotage.

    So back to the part where I’m at war with my mind, it’s clear I’ve got the happy sorted. I’ve also got the youthful bit figured out, but I absolutely have to change my thought patterns about how I will remain the fatty type.

    My mom was diabetic, and my dad’s a big guy, but here’s the truth. I don’t do sugary sodas, nor do I eat like my dad. That’s why I’m not necessarily going to be doomed to the have the same kind of health issues.

    I said it before, and I’ll say it again. The hardest part about losing weight or getting healthy has more to do with psychology than physiology. The physiological changes just reflects what goes on in between the ears.


    I need to break those self-fulfilling prophecies, and destroy the karmic chain of believing I am going to always be big girl, and also stop living in fear of an impending genetic malfunction.

    What my ancestors had or have will not necessarily be what I’ll get, and I must understand that the medical industry speaks risk factor language to get me to buy their drugs to avoid the doom I fear.

    My body has its own intelligence. It can heal itself. If I take care of my body like I do a good car, I’m going to break down a lot less, and it will be less severe when it happens.

    Likewise, if you believe that you’re going to a forever-fatty, you have to stop that right now. Thoughts that don’t serve you need to go out the window, no exceptions.

    It’s an ongoing journey even for me, and I need to constantly be mindful about managing these doubts in very proactive ways.

    I have to tell myself that if I were to be dumped into a concentration camp with limited food supply, I’ll turn twiggy and bony in no time. My body will use my fats to help me survive in the absence of food. People say I have big bones, but they only weight about 3.5kg (I have a fancy body composition monitor).

    Also, many heavier people have lost a lot more weight than the weight I think I need to lose.

    In the same way…

    Get a hold of your mind, and speak words of possibility to it, not of defeat.

    Stop replaying the rubbish commentary in your head that were planted by other people, whether it be your family members, ex-boyfriends/girlfriends, or even your close friends.

    Your mind is your own garden to tend to. Nobody can plant creepers unless you allow them to.

    Sure, people are always going to tell you stuff. Someone who used to work in Hollywood told me in 2005 that no matter how hard I try to lose weight, I will never be lean because I’m just built this way.

    I bought that for a long time, and just ended up getting bigger because I believed that person.


    Now I know that to be total crap, because I was able to, for the first time see remnants of a possible ideal me last year.

    I kept most of it up this year too. See?

    Detox your mind, body and soul often. Here’s how.

    Nourish yourself with good thoughts, healthful foods, and spirit food and you’ll realize that you’ll get closer and closer to your goal each day.

    Be the master of your own mind, and the rest of your body will follow.